Friday, 27 January 2012

Year 3 Week 16

Lots of chiselling, sawing and filing this week and lots of avoiding that flaw in the stone.

I started a couple of saw cuts in the top of the stone but will need to finish them next week.

I am finding this a very hard stone to work with.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Year 3 Week 15

This week I started in earnest the chiselling and filing of the sculpture.

Unfortunately I discovered when I got further into the stone that there is a flaw in the middle. I hope this doesn't make it too brittle. It is a bit unfortunate that where it is located is bound to show up in the finished sculpture.

Below is a close up of the annoying flaw!

Monday, 16 January 2012

Year 3 Week 14

I found a piece of stone that fitted my latest sculpture idea perfectly but a student from another day had marked it for their use. After an enquiry from the tutor they very kindly let me use it instead. Below are two pictures of it before I start.

Follwing are pictures after a few hours of chiselling, sawing and filing.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Year 3 Week 13

Start of a new term and start of a new sculpture. I have an idea already of what I want to do so I hope to find a piece of stone at Mary Ward that roughly fits the shape of the idea. Meanwhile I made a clay maquette today to see how the sculpture would work.

It is based on a household object that should be familiar to most people and is associated with happy times (I hope). It is an object that seems to have been recreated for many years in roughly the same design so is quite iconic. I also like it though because it resembles something else and is strangely pleasing to the eye and a bit humorous. Intrigued!?!

As I had a little time at the end of the 3 hours I worked on another clay maquette for another sculpture. This was for a piece of very nice wood that a fellow class member (Ruth) very kindly gave me.