I then made a maquette out of clay to see if it would work. I was pleasantly surprised by the maquette. Luckily my girlfriend's mum, Jean had bought me some self hardening clay for my birthday last year. It came in very handy now.
Below (at the request of Paul, my tutor) are some of the images I downloaded from the Internet to inspire me and below that some photos of the clay maquette.

Below are the squirrel sculptures I found images of on the Internet.

The next photos are of my maquette. In the second pair of photos I have added some details of legs etc. which I may or may not be able to carve out of the stone. I hope to make the stone carving a bit more angular than this. so it is a bit less cute!
In this weeks class I started the stone carving (see below). I used a hand saw to take a few big chunks out of the piece of stone. I then used a rasp on it just a little. You can probably see from my pencil marks the shape I am aiming at.
This is definitely my longest blog entry so far. I will shut up now.
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