Thursday, 25 November 2010

Year 2 week 10

This week I did a couple of hours work at home on the carving in between week 9 and 10. The next 4 pictures show the results of that.

The next 4 pictures show the results of week 10 session in the class. It's slow going but I'm getting there.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Year 2 week 9

Today I spent a lot of time chiselling chunks off the piece to get it down to size and improve the shape.

I remembered this time to include the maquette in the photos.

I didn't do any work on the maquette this week but did last week so I think it is slightly improved from the earlier photos.

The wood carving should end up roughly the same size as the maquette which is life size. The wood should have a longer arm though.

There was a lot of wood on the floor at the end of the session but the shape doesn't seem to have changed much since the last session. Perhaps someone else was chipping in my direction. A long way to go yet anyway!

Monday, 8 November 2010

Year 2 Week 8

Today I started by doing some more work on the clay maquette of the fist. Unfortunately I forgot to take any photos. I am slightly happier now I have made some adjustments to it. It seems a bit more like my fist and less like the Incredible Hulk's. The clay was a bit harder and I enjoyed working with it more but I also got some valuable tips from the tutor as to where I had gone wrong. After about an hour on the clay I decided to start on the wood itself.

Firstly I decided that the piece of wood I had was too short so cut another length (of lime).

Then I used the saw and a chisel and mallet to start 'blocking out' to get to the shape.

It probably looks more like a fist now than it will when I'm finished but if so it will have to be described as abstract!

Year 2 Week 7

Today I started a new project. It was inspired by a woodcarving pictured in a book I have all about woodcarving.

I spent the whole of today's 3 hours working on a clay maquette.

Pictured behind the maquette is the wood I intend to carve the fist out of (in case you didn't realise it is supposed to be a fist).

I'm not overjoyed with the way it's turned out. It was modelled on my fist but seems to have turned out like the Incredible Hulk's fist!